Welcome to the Inclusive Education Toolkit!.A guide to the education and training of teachers in inclusive education.Inclusive Education Toolkit: A Guide to the Education and Training of Teachers in Inclusive Education.Teaching Lower Secondary Science A Handbook for Teacher Educators.Module 2: Secondary Science – chemistry.Module 3: Science – energy and movement.Module 2: Science – investigating materials.Module 1: Developing an understanding of place.

Expand Primary: Social studies and the arts.Module 3: Promoting communication in an additional language.Module 2: Using community voices in your classroom.Module 1: Reading and writing for a range of purposes.Module 3: Investigating Measurement and Data handling.Module 1: Investigating number and pattern.Module 3: Community issues and citizenship.Module 1: Personal development – how self-esteem impacts on learning.Key Resource: Working with multigrade classes.Key Resource: Using storytelling in the classroom.Key Resource: Using role play/dialogue/drama in the classroom.Key Resource: Researching in the classroom.Key Resource: Using questioning to promote thinking.Key Resource: Planning and preparing your lessons.Key Resource: Using the local community/environment as a resource.Key Resource: Working with large classes.