Create online toolkit education
Create online toolkit education

create online toolkit education

Welcome to the Inclusive Education Toolkit!.A guide to the education and training of teachers in inclusive education.Inclusive Education Toolkit: A Guide to the Education and Training of Teachers in Inclusive Education.Teaching Lower Secondary Science A Handbook for Teacher Educators.Module 2: Secondary Science – chemistry.Module 3: Science – energy and movement.Module 2: Science – investigating materials.Module 1: Developing an understanding of place.

create online toolkit education

Expand Primary: Social studies and the arts.Module 3: Promoting communication in an additional language.Module 2: Using community voices in your classroom.Module 1: Reading and writing for a range of purposes.Module 3: Investigating Measurement and Data handling.Module 1: Investigating number and pattern.Module 3: Community issues and citizenship.Module 1: Personal development – how self-esteem impacts on learning.Key Resource: Working with multigrade classes.Key Resource: Using storytelling in the classroom.Key Resource: Using role play/dialogue/drama in the classroom.Key Resource: Researching in the classroom.Key Resource: Using questioning to promote thinking.Key Resource: Planning and preparing your lessons.Key Resource: Using the local community/environment as a resource.Key Resource: Working with large classes.

create online toolkit education

  • Key Resource: Tools for planning and carrying out investigations in Science.
  • Key Resource: Using investigations in the classroom.
  • Key Resource: Using group work in your classroom.
  • Key Resource: Using explaining and demonstrating to assist learning.
  • Key Resource: Being a resourceful teacher in challenging circumstances.
  • Key Resource: Using mind maps and brainstorming to explore ideas.
  • Expand Key Resources: Effective teaching approaches.

  • Create online toolkit education