" ChtGiveAmmo=()" Should give full ammo for a designated weapon." Cht_bTurbo=1" Supposed to increase player speed, but seems to have no effect." Cht_bInfiniteAmmo=1" Gives Players an infinite ammo supply." Cht_bGiveAll" Gives players all weapons in the game with full ammo." Cht_bGhost=1" Should enable No Clip, which will should allow Serious Sam to phase through objects, however players say this one doesn't work either.Instead of (), players should type in the amount of health they want to be restored. " Cht_slGiveHealth=()" Will restore a designated amount of health." Cht_bGod=1" Should enable God mode, but according to players, it doesn't actually work." Cht_bKillAll=1" Kills all enemies in the vicinity of the player." Cht_bAutoAim=1" Should enable Auto Aim for controllers." Cht_bEnableCheats=0" will turn off cheat mode.Doing this will also forfeit the player from leaderboards and achievements. " Cht_bEnableCheats=1" Enable this first in order to access all other cheats.Down below is a list of possible cheat commands for players to use. It should also be noted that not all listed commands currently work, but are likely to be fixed with incoming patches. For example, "cht_bAutoAim=1" will show that auto-aim is active, "cht_bAutoAim=0" will turn auto-aim off. Furthermore, some commands use the numbers 1 and 0 to represent on and off respectively. For example, the command to give the player S.A.M Skill Points, "cht_slGiveSkillPoints", should have an "=" then a number after to designate how many Skill Points the player will receive. The last thing players should know about the commands is that some commands will require the player to put an integer value after the command in order to receive the desired result or amount. So instead of memorizing controller or keyboard inputs, players will be typing and using scripts that manipulate or change the game. Second of all, the cheat "codes" are actually console commands. However, this is to be expected since using cheats can really take the challenge out of earning a high-score or earning some of the trickier achievements. First of all, enabling cheats will forfeit players from unlocking achievements and scoring on the leaderboard. In order to be able to use cheats, players should first be aware of a few things.